Bunny Basics Shopping List

Don’t know what to buy for your bun? Take a look at our shopping list below for all the basics to purchase for your bun!


One of the most important things in your bunny’s diet is hay. It helps keep their digestive tract healthy and helps keep their teeth short. Oxbow and Small Pet Select have great options for hay.


Pellets are another essential part of your bunny’s diet. They provide critical vitamins and nutrients your bunny needs. Do not purchase any pellets that have extra bits of corn, seeds, or anything below are examples of great pellets for your bunny:


Treats are a great way to redirect bunnies and provide rewards for good behavior. They should not be given too often because they are high in sugar content. Always remember, bunnies are herbivores, so they can’t digest dairy. Below are great examples of treats you can purchase for your bun:


Many pet stores try to sell “rabbit cages” or “small animal” enclosures that are typically too small for rabbits to live in, and they are also expensive. Rabbits do a lot better when they are given enough space to binky, flop, and do zoomies. Free roaming is an option, but we always encourage a safe space for the rabbit(s) to retreat to at the end of the day. This can also help in emergencies when you might need to locate and take your rabbit(s) quickly. Below are examples of pens you can purchase for a bunny:


Bunnies are very intelligent animals and love a variety of enrichment in their home. Make sure everything in the toy is bunny safe before purchasing. This means no dairy, corn, seeds, or nuts. The following are safe places to purchase enrichment from:


When choosing litter for your bunny’s litter box, always look for bunny-safe litter with no added fragrances, baking soda, shavings (pine or cedar)shavings, clay litter. They can all be very harmful to a bunny’s health if ingested. Instead, here are a couple of examples of safe litter: